Congratulations PTSDA Karate!

Our members did a wonderful job on their recent belt examination.  We are so proud of each of you.  Keep it up!  Our Belt Promotions will be held at the PTSDA Karate on Thursday, August 30th (during class time).  We look forward to sharing that special evening with each of you.


This Week’s WOW (word of the Week) – Flexibility

Having plants in the dojang is more than just for decoration.  To me it’s a symbol of growth and life.  The bamboo plants are one of my favorites.  They give a daily reminder to be strong but flexible.  With lots of change occurring this week, let’s strive to be flexible in our daily walk.  The flexibility allows us to have more peace of mind.  Peace of mind leads to growth and a happier life.


Congratulations PTSDA Karate!

July 26-29 – Our team went to Washington, D.C. for the ITF World Championship.  Everyone did an amazing job!  We participated in seminars (judges and rank req), awards banquet, competition, demonstrations and testing.  In addition, our team was heavily involved with setting up, conducting and closing down.  Needless to say, everyone is pretty pumped about the experience.

A special thank-you to Master Joiner, Kyo Sa Nim Duane, Kyo Sa Nim DuFour, Mr. Fowler, Bryson Harden-Cooke and all our parents for representing our dojang in such a positive way.  BTW – the next ITF World Championship is going to be in (drum roll please)…Orlando, FL at the  Renaissance Sea World Hotel on August 6-9, 2020.  Make plans now to be apart of the fun!



This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Kindness

I believe we can all agree that we need more kindness in our world. Several years ago, a bumper sticker become rather popular for its message. It read Practice Random Acts of Kindness.
I feel like this is a great message for all of us. Let’s make it a daily goal to be kind to ourselves and others around us. Being kind without looking for anything in return brings a special peace and joy. Looking forward to promoting more kindness in this world. Don’t delay…start today!


Good Luck PTSDA Karate Members!

Safe travels and best wishes to all PTSDA Karate students and instructors that are traveling to the 15th ITF World Championship in Washington, D.C.  Master & Kyo Sa Nim Dufour will be out of the dojang from Monday, July 23 – Monday, July 30.  Our awesome staff will do a great job keeping everything running smoothly during their absence.  Tang Soo!


Did You Know???

Testing is in only 24 days!  Be sure to be in class and practice at home to help prepare for a successful examination.  See our Upcoming Events page for specific date sand times for your rank. Tang Soo!

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This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Attitude

“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life changing.”  Zig Ziglar was so right.  Sometimes life can work us over to the point that we become rather sour.  When we feel the stinking thinking coming on, here are a few tips to help get us back on the right track.

  1. Work it Out!  There’s nothing like a great work out to get us out of the funk.  Walk, run , lift weights…you’ve got to move it-move it!
  2. Be Proactive!  Start your day with positive routines that will help you get your pma (positive mental attitude) going.
  3. Make every day Thanksgiving! Throughout the day, think about all the good people and things that you have in it.  If you are not careful, gratitude will begin:)

Looking forward to improving our attitudes together this week.  Ready, set, time to grow!


This Weeks WOW (Word of Week) – Freedom

As we all know, Freedom is not Free.  It comes with a price tag.  In our countries history, many brave individuals on and off the battlefield have paid the tab for us to enjoy our Freedoms.  My encouragement for all of this week is to pause and think about all the freedoms that we have in our country.  Hopefully, a sense of gratitude will stir up in each of us.
