
Learning new things can be both exciting and frustrating. With the right approach, we can really enjoy the process of learning and growing ourselves in the martial arts and in other areas of our life.

As you know, the martial arts is a skill. It takes quite awhile to understand and apply the knowledge gained. We’ve all heard the 10,000 hour idea. It takes 10,000 hrs to achieve a level of mastery with a skill.
When most people hear 10,000 hrs, they get overwhelmed. How about we shift our focus from a long term goal (10,000 hrs) to a more doable short term goal (20 hrs). Studies have shown that individuals that performed 20 hrs of concentrated practice have experienced a sense of getting good at a particular skill.

How about we apply this idea to our Tang Soo Do training. As you begin to learn new skills this week, make a plan to consistently work on these skills outside of class. If you want, the 20 hours can be spread out over the next two months. Chart your hours and see when the magic starts to happen for you.

Obviously, we need to be patient with this process of learning. Be present with your listening and watching when learning. Ask questions when something doesn’t make sense to you.

To make it fun, try video taping your experience. Start with Day 1 and video your new skill. Throughout the process, you will begin to see your transformation.

This week’s goal is to continue developing a mindset of loving to learn. Be patient, be creative, get help and most importantly enjoy.

Attitude of Gratitude

Don’t you just love the month of November? The fall weather is slowly making it’s way to the Gulf Coast. We don’t experience the changing of leaves like the northern states, but we gladly welcome the reprieve from the hot summer months. Of all the great things this month has to offer, I believe Thanksgiving is at the top of the list.  

Family and friends gathering together. The tempting aromas saturating the house throughout the day. Throwing the football in the backyard, and watching the Lions lose again (sorry Dad). Of course, eating way too much food. The laughter, conversations, the memories being made that we cherish forever. The inevitable food comma that we all succumb.  

With all the great things about Thanksgiving, the reminder to slow down and be thankful is so needed. Obviously, we don’t need to wait for this wonderful holiday to be thankful. It’s a 365 days a year kind of thing.  

My encouragement for everyone this week is to do a daily gratitude challenge. Here’s how it works. As soon as you wake up in the morning, start with I am thankful for ________ (you fill in the blank). It doesn’t have to be a 10 page list, but include the important ones like health, family, friends, another day, etc.  

Throughout the day, express to others your gratitude for them. When we start to feel the stinking thinking creep inside our head, immediately shift your focus to your gratitude list. When you finish your day, think about all the things you are thankful.  

It doesn’t take much brain power to find the things we don’t like. With everything happening this year, we can easily get sucked into a negative worm hole. Like anything, gratitude will take some effort at first. Through effort and mindfulness it will become a wonderful habit. As Thanksgiving approaches, let’s all embrace this idea of an attitude of gratitude.

Testing Schedule

The last test for 2020 is almost here! Once you and/or your child pass Pre-Test, you will be eligible to register on Wednesday, November 3 via PTSDA Karate Facebook page.

Below are the dates and times for the examinations.

Nov 4
Tiny Tiger Belt Testing
Tigers that have earned all 5 stripes on their belt will be eligible to test on this day during their class time. Students that did not earn all their stripes are encouraged to stay home.

Nov 6
Children’s Prgm Belt Testing
White – Yellow Belts (2:45pm)
Orange – Green Belts (3:30pm)
Red – Black Belts (4:30pm)

Nov 7
Traditional Prgm Belt Testing
White – Orange Belt (9am)
Green Belts (10:30am)
Red – Black Belt (12pm)

Note: All of our testings will be available through ZOOM and Facebook live virtual. For family that can’t be in attendance, they can observe remotely or at a later time.

Gulf Coast MA Championship

Master Gordon’s event is back with new location and all!! This has been an interesting year for all of us! This tournament will do double duty.

First, it will serve to closeout 2019-2020 season. Points from Sept 19, and Feb 20 will count towards this tournament to award 2019-2020 winners. This year they are awarding swords! They will also use this tournament to launch their 2020-2021 tournament season. Meaning points count twice!!Sparring has never been mandated and still isn’t. They will offer their normal divisions of musical, weapons, forms, self defense, and sparring.

For more information, please visit https://gcmac.info/


With testing right around the corner, I thought it would be a great idea to discuss testing and ways we can make it more enjoyable.  

Prepare for Success – by consistently practicing and attending class, you are setting yourself up for an enjoyable testing experience. Things like suitable rest, hygiene, exercise and nutrition are also important contributing factors to your success.  

Visualize Success – this is a very powerful tool. Highly successful people use it all the time. Picture yourself doing well on each aspect of your exam. We tend to gravitate toward where we focus. So why not focus on doing exceptionally well.  

Be Present – instead of focusing on the part of your exam that you are concerned, try shifting your focus to whatever you are doing in the moment. If you are in ready stance, make your ready stance the best it can be. Being in tune with the now allows us to be better now.  

If you are stressing about your upcoming test, just let it go. Pour your energy into doing the work, visualizing success and giving your best on each aspect of your exam by being present. It’s time to turn stress into enjoyment.  

Best wishes on preparing for a successful exam. You’ve got this! Tang Soo!


Can you think of an area of your life that you would like more confidence? We all have something that we would like to be more sure about. There’s no shame in it. In fact, it makes us human.  

Here are my top 3 tips for building more confidence.  

1. Get a Mentor
Find the expert in the area that you want to improve, and get guidance. We all need direction in life. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Seek help and begin to improve.   There’s no mystery in gaining confidence. You just have to work at it, have a positive attitude and find someone that can mentor you through the process.

2. You’ve Got to Work It-Work it!
Nothing builds confidence better than just making time and working on the specific area. If you want the feeling of confidence, then roll up your sleeves and get to work:)  

3. Attitude Makes the Difference When working on building your confidence, you need to give yourself a check up from the neck up. Be mindful of how you are thinking about yourself and the situation. Stinking thinking will easily creep in and we will inhibit ourselves from growing.  

Let the adventure begin on improving your confidence. Ready, Set, Time to Grow!

Want to Improve?

Without a doubt, Hurricane Sally wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast. Power outages, flooding and trees down were among the challenges we have faced. Many of us are fortunate enough to have recovered from the storm, while others are still putting back the pieces.

As a result of the damages sustained at the dojang, we have made many improvements. It’s been a huge reset button for us. It would be easy to fall into the rut of a poor me attitude, but all I see is improvement.

In life, it’s easy to get stuck in our routines and become complacent. Most of the time, we start making improvements due to a life changing event.

My encouragement this week is that we don’t wait for a tragedy to occur for us to make needed changes. What do you want to improve? Make an improvement list, formulate a plan, then go get it. Excited to hear about your improvement success stories.. Ready, Set, Time to Improve!


So what does compassion have to do with the martial arts?

More than you might think. Having the ability to look outside ourselves to solve a confrontation takes quite a bit of strength. As we continue to dig deeper, a great question to ask is how do we develop this type of inner strength to practice compassion in daily life?

Let’s face it, it’s rather easy to focus on our position in an uncomfortable situation.

Here are my top 4 tips to be more compassionate in our daily life.

  1. Morning Practice – it’s all about choosing kindness. Make time each morning to make a plan of being more compassionate. Have a plan of looking beyond frustrations that others normally bring us and replace it with a understanding that everyone is suffering in small and big ways. Strive to find a win/win solution.
  2. Shift Your Focus – where is our focus often times? It’s on ourselves right? That’s not a bad thing, but we need to look beyond ourselves to find the solution. Work on thinking about the other person. Put yourself in their shoes.
  3. Find Common Ground – at the root of it all, we are all human beings. Strive to focus on common ground between you and others.
  4. Evening Reflection – at the end of the day, look back on your day and think about your victories and areas that you could have been more compassionate.

We improve by making compassion a daily plan, shifting our focus, finding common ground and reflection. I hope this helps to encourage you to be more compassionate. Honestly, compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. Best wishes in your pursuit of being more balanced in your daily life.

Testing is Next Month!

Our last belt test of 2020 is coming soon. Be sure to be in class and practice at home to prepare for a successful exam. All testings will be available to view through ZOOM & Facebook Live Virtual. Any middle school students in our Children’s Prgm will need to test on Sat., Nov 7.

Nov 4 – Tiny Tiger Prgm Test (4:15pm)

Nov 6 – Children’s Prgm Test
White & Yellow Belt @ 2:45pm
Orange & Green Belt @ 3:30pm
Red – Black Belt @4:30pm

Nov 7 – Traditional Prgm Test
White – Orange Belt @ 9am
Green Belt @ 10:30am
Red – Black Belt @ 12pm

ITF Master & Black Belt Seminar & Test

Due to the current COVID 19 situation, the ITF believes it is in the best interest and safety for everyone that we change the upcoming All Masters and Black Belts Seminar and Examination currently scheduled for October 23rd and 24th in Monroeville, PA. 

The All Masters and Black Belts Seminar and Examination will be held at these four locations: Monroeville, PA; The Woodlands, TX; Odenton, MD; and Fenton, MI.  Please see the posters below for dates and schedule.  For those who live outside of the United States, dates and schedules will posted when they are finalized.  By doing this, travel for many people will be less worrisome and much easier. 

​Although we know and understand that depending on where you are located, it may still be difficult for you to travel, we hope that you will be able to attend at a location best for you.  We appreciate your understanding and your cooperation. 

Master & Kyo Sa Nim DuFour will be attending the event at Ince Karate (Woodlands, TX) on October 24. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.