
What makes you…you? It’s not your job title, income bracket, style of clothing, the music you listen to or even the martial art you study. Those are all things that we do and enjoy.Β  Again, what makes
To get to the bottom of this question, we have to peel away all these layers that society has put on us. Often times, we are guilty of putting ourselves into this box of who we think we are.

Here are a few tips to help us discover more about ourselves.
Quality Time with YOU
Make time for yourself. If you want to get know someone else, you spend time with them. Find a place of solitude that will allow you to discover more about you. At first the questions will be simple, but they will get deeper as you progress.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
It’s easy to stay where we feel comfortable. By pushing past our set boundaries, we begin to learn more about ourselves.

Help Others
Nothing feels better than serving others. It provides us with a sense of purpose and community. Gandhi once said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Learning more about who you are as an individual will be a fun adventure. To begin this quest of self-discovery, spend quality time with yourself, get out of your comfort zone and help others. Best wishes in your journey.

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