
Did any of you put on your parents glasses when you were a kid? Wow! What an experience, right? Everything was so blurry. How did they see anything. As adults, we understand how they could not see anything without them:)

Focus is such a big part of the martial arts and life in general. Do you ever feel like life is getting blurry and your focus is all over the place? We all do at times. There’s a saying that helps remind me about my focus. It goes, Where our focus goes, our energy flows.

What really matters to you? Focus on that. When we start to feel the pull of life, stop and take a breath. Remind yourself about what really matters. This idea tends to get us on the right track.

It’s like being a kid again. We can take off the glasses or put them on to help us find the focus needed on what is important.

Healthy Mind

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve focused a great deal on having a healthy body. Greatly needed, right? Even more important is to make sure that we maintain a healthy mind. It’s all connected.

Here are a few quick tips to get us on the right track.

Stay Active – when the stinking thinking starting to set in, get up and get moving. Be sure to have a regular exercise routine to help your mind feel as equally fantastic as your body.

We are what we eat– having a balanced diet has a direct impact on how we think. Eating food that promotes positive brain function is a great idea. Go green:)

Talk It Out – do you have a good network of friends that you can talk about your challenges? Nothing feels better than to talk about your challenges that you’re facing. Unburden your unneeded baggage by talking with friends and/or a professional that can help you navigate through your challenges.

Our mind and body are connected. By spending just as much time on our mind as our body, we will feel more equipped and excited to face each day with a smile.😁


Balance is such a big part of what we do in Tang Soo Do. When we start class, we have a moment of silence. This time is to help us get balanced for class. Taking deep cleansing breaths helps us to focus our mind on the task at hand.

With our mind focused, we will easily detect when our body is not balanced. With this awareness, we can calibrate ourselves so that we are more centered.

When we close class, we finish with another moment of silence. This time is great for reflecting what we completed.

Try starting the day with a moment of silence and ending it with the same approach. This is one of many ways to help us be more balanced in our daily lives. Best wishes!

Phase 2 is Here!

We are excited to share the great news that we will be starting in person classes by appointment on Monday, June 8th. At this time, we will continue to offer virtual classes (Facebook Live and ZOOM) side by side with our in person classes.

Please check your email for details on class times, procedures to enter and how to schedule your class appointment. If you do not currently receive emails from us, please fill out a request form on our home page of our website.

We can’t wait to see everyone in class next week! TANG SOO!

Get Outside

Health professionals agree that getting outside is a wonderful way to boost our well being. Here are a few scientifically proven reasons why we should get outdoors.

  • Relieve Stress – High blood pressure and depression have been linked to stress. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors decreases stress and increases rejuvenation.
  • Live Longer– Longevity has been connected to being outdoors. Getting outside helps improve your heart and mental health.
  • Weight Management – Getting outside regularly for a walk, bike ride, swim equals shedding those unwanted pounds.

I agree to use caution when going outside, but let’s not let our fears over ride our ability to get outdoors and enjoy all the benefits of nature.


Who doesn’t want more discipline in their life? Having discipline in our life is like a super power. With it, we can accomplish just about anything.

How do we improve or find it? My personal philosophy with discipline starts with mindset. I have to commit to my goal. Then, I develop a simple system to keep me on track.

Another big tip with improving discipline is by starting small with low expectations for immediate change. Making it fun and being consistent is key. Let’s not wait to receive bad news with our health, relationships and careers to motivate us to develop more discipline in our life. Start small and be consistent. You’ve got this!

ITF World Championship Postponed

Due to COVID 19, this summer’s ITF World Championship has been postponed until July 29 – Aug 1, 2021. More information will be relayed to you once we receive it. We look forward to everyone participating at this exciting event!

Time to Renew…You?

Can you remember the last time you enjoyed the moment? Has it been awhile?

When we slow down and enjoy a sunset or a conversation, we ignite a feeling of peace and joy. We don’t have to travel thousands of miles to stir up a sense of rejuvenation.

Everyone is different, but we all need to monitor our mental and physical well being. Times like these, we need some renewing of ourselves. How do you do it?

Start with being mindful of your breathing, conversations, the moment. If it has been awhile, make time right now to renew yourself, Slow down and enjoy.

Best wishes on your journey of being the best version of yourself!

Make Your Fun

One of the best ways to manage our stress, build relationships and keep a positive attitude is through having fun. You might even think, how can we begin to think about having fun in a time like this?

It’s understandable. Having fun is often something most adults put on the back burner. So what do you like to do for fun… Has it been too long since you’ve actually had fun?

Try these fun ideas for something to brighten up your week:

  • Coloring – they have adult coloring books that can be lots of fun.
  • Gardening – get some seeds and try growing herbs, vegetables and/or flowers.
  • Try a New Hobby – what’s something that you’ve always wanted to try? Go for it.
  • Game Night – break out the board games and have some family fun.
  • Have a Beach Day – take a personal day or get the family and have a fun day at the beach.
  • Adventure Walk – plan a fun walk in nature and see what you can discover.

Life can get busy, crazy, very serious and very stressful. Making plans to have fun should be a part of our mental health plan. Make a plan this week to go have fun. You won’t regret it. 🙂

When will we Reopen???

We are looking forward to having classes again at the dojang. According to state guidelines, we will be able to reopen group classes in Phase 2. Here are a few things to expect once we are allowed to reopen.

• Temp Checks – Prior to entering the dojang, each student will have their temp recorded.

• Masks – Students are encouraged to wear a mask.

• Social Distancing – Students will need to keep a distance of 6′ between one another at all times. There will be No contact. Students will stay in their marked areas during class.

• Limited Class Size – There will be limited class sizes due to restrictions. Classes will be open to a maximum of 8 students per class.

In the coming weeks, we will provide more information regarding our reopening. Virtual classes (ZOOM/Facebook Live) will still be provided for at home study along with classes held at the school. The schedule will continue to mirror the one used currently.