This Weeks WOW (Word of Week) – Freedom

As we all know, Freedom is not Free.  It comes with a price tag.  In our countries history, many brave individuals on and off the battlefield have paid the tab for us to enjoy our Freedoms.  My encouragement for all of this week is to pause and think about all the freedoms that we have in our country.  Hopefully, a sense of gratitude will stir up in each of us.


We are Only 3 Weeks Away!

We would love for you and your family to go with us to the ITF World Championship on July 26-28 in Washington, D.C.  This is your chance to attend and train in seminars with Grandmaster C.S. Kim and Technical Advisory Members, Compete with ITF students from around the globe, go to a special award banquet and witness advanced Black Belt and Master’s Testing.  Of course, being in Washington allows for a great mini vacation to see historical sites in our nation’s capital.  Interested? Follow this link to get more information and to register online.  See us if you have any questions.

Enjoying a moment with SBN Kennedy and Mrs Kennedy at the tournament!
Enjoying a moment with SBN Kennedy and Mrs Kennedy at the tournament!

This Week’s WOW (Word of Week) – Courage

Have you been in a situation lately that required you to use courage?  As a child, it seemed like it was a weekly deal.  The butterflies would stir in our stomachs as we tried to muster up the courage to jump off the diving board or ride our bike without training wheels.  After a lot of bumps and bruises, we finally reached success.

One of the many things that I love about the martial arts is that it constantly pushes us to have more courage.  The list is endless –  breaking boards, doing shoulder rolls, sparring, etc.  By humbling ourselves and quieting the negative voice in our head, we go for it.  Often times, we do fail but through consistent work we finally make it.  As we approach success, we realize that we are turning the once feared activity into one that is more enjoyable.  Confidence begins to replace the fear.

John Wayne once said, “Courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway.”  As challenges arise, rise up and face the challenge one step at a time.  You’ve got this!

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Just 5 Weeks Away!

Have you registered online for the ITF World Championship yet? Pre-registration pricing is only good thru July 19th.   We would love for you and your family to go with us to the ITF World Championship on July 26-28 in Washington, D.C. This is your chance to attend and train in seminars with Grandmaster C.S. Kim and Technical Advisory Members,  Enjoy competing with ITF students from around the globe.  Attend a special award’s banquet and don’t miss witnessing advanced Black Belt and Master’s Testing.

Of course, being in Washington allows for a great mini vacation to see historical sites in our nation’s capital.  Interested? Follow this link to get more information and to register online.


We Have New Mats!

We are excited for our members to begin training on our new mats.  A BIG thank you to J. Maxwell, Bob  & Allyson Hendrix for their help.  You guys rock!

BTW – We are selling our old mats ($10 per mat).  First come first serve.  Get them before they are gone.


This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Endurance

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Endurance is the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity.

As we all know, building endurance is not an easy task.

Here are my top 3 tips for building more endurance.
  Tell Yourself – I CAN DO IT!  Can accomplishes a lot more than can’t.  Get your head right to move forward.

2.  Measure to Improve How long can you currently do something? Consistently increase your time by a small amount.

3.  Fuel Up Like a Champ! In order to improve endurance, our bodies need the proper nutrition to accomplish our goals.

Snorkel Push-ups!


Did You Know???

We are excited to announce that we have new Dollamur mats at the dojang.  Nothing but the best for our members.  Dollamur is the top of the line in the martial arts mat industry.   To help us offset the expense of our new mats, we are going to sell our old ones.  It will be an inexpensive way to create a home workout area.  $10 per mat.  If you want us to hold you a specific amount of mats for you, please email us asap.  Looking forward to training on our new mats.

ITF World Championship is Next Month!

Who’s Going with us to Washington D.C.?

We are excited to be attending the ITF World Championship on July 26-28 in Washington, D.C.  This is your chance to attend and train in seminars with Grandmaster C.S. Kim and Technical Advisory Members, Compete with ITF students from around the globe, go to a special award banquet and witness advanced Black Belt and Master’s Testing.  Of course, being in Washington allows for a great mini vacation to see historical sights in our nations capital.  Interested? Follow this link  to get more information.

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This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Giving

Isn’t it a great feeling to give to others? This is one of the many perks of being an instructor. It’s simply a wonderful feeling to pass along wisdom and methods past down from my instructors. This week, let’s make a point to give the gift of kindness and compassion to our family and friends. Start with a smile and kind word. The gift of love and support makes more of a difference than we realize.

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
