Have you heard of ELDOA?

What Is ELDOA?

The ELDOA method is an innovative form of exercise developed by world-renowned osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer. ELDOA exercises consist of a series of specific postures aimed at relieving pressure and increasing blood flow around particular joints or spinal segments. This technique is a highly effective way to reduce pain, increase circulation, and improve posture, balance, and spine health.

We offer ELDOA classes at our dojang on Sunday (2pm) and Wednesday (11am).  Contact Cyndi Jolly for pricing and availability at 850-712-3799.

There will be no ELDOA class on Sunday, March 17 & Wednesday, March 20.


What An Amazing Evening!

Thank you to all of our awesome members and families for making our Belt Promotions and Christmas Party the biggest and best yet.  The food and fellowship was fantastic!

Now it’s time to train and break all those new belts and stripes in:)

Congratulations PTSDA Karate Students!

We are so proud of all of our students that recently tested for their next level.  Each of you displayed effort, focus and improvement in skill.  Keep it up!

IMG_1542Looking forward to Belt Promotions on Friday, November 30th (6pm) at the Beulah Freewill Baptist Church.  All are invited.  Afterwards, we will have a Christmas Party in the fellowship hall.  Bring your favorite dish and prepare to have an evening of recognition, fellowship and family fun.



Let’s Help Our Neighbors in Need

This Week’s WOW (Word of Week) – Compassion

 Last week was such a roller coaster on the gulf coast. We are so glad that all of our families are safe. Our community dodged a major bullet.

However, we are feeling the pain and suffering of our neighbors in the Panama City and Mexico Beach area. To act on our word of the week, we are collecting the following items: Diapers, Feminine hygiene products, Socks, Toothbrushes, Underwear, Plastic storage containers large and small, Toiletries, Baby wipes, Contact lens supplies, Plastic cups/plates/containers and Prepackaged non-crushable snacks.

All items collected will be given to the PPD, who will be getting the items to the victims.  Thank you in advance for your compassion for those in need.

This Week’s WOW (Word of Week) – Wisdom

Many moons ago, my family moved from Indiana to Delaware.  My father became the new minister at a local church and inherited a lot of problems.

The financially struggling Church had experienced a major split.  One of many poor decisions was to sell bonds.  I’ll never forget this sticker they had with an owl on it reading, “Be Wise Buy Bonds.”  Long story short, my father persisted with wisdom (unlike the sticker). Very slowly, the Church was able to get out of financial ruin and is thriving today due to my father’s wisdom.

We all desire to have more wisdom in our daily life.  Often times, we become wiser by learning from our own mistakes, victories and other life experiences.  My encouragement for this week is to become wiser in our daily lives. When faced with a situation, ask yourself, “What is the WISE choice?”

Take small steps toward becoming wiser in your daily journey. Good Luck!


Saturday is Beach Training!

We are looking forward to seeing you and your family at our last beach training of 2018. Wear your uniform and prepare for fun!

ALL STUDENTS are invited to join us from 9-11am at the Pensacola Beach pavilion located at 1225 Ft Picken’s Rd, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561. Please arrive 15 minutes early to get organized.

Congratulations PTSDA Karate!

Our members did a wonderful job on their recent belt examination.  We are so proud of each of you.  Keep it up!  Our Belt Promotions will be held at the PTSDA Karate on Thursday, August 30th (during class time).  We look forward to sharing that special evening with each of you.


Did You Know???

Testing is in only 24 days!  Be sure to be in class and practice at home to help prepare for a successful examination.  See our Upcoming Events page for specific date sand times for your rank. Tang Soo!

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This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Attitude

“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life changing.”  Zig Ziglar was so right.  Sometimes life can work us over to the point that we become rather sour.  When we feel the stinking thinking coming on, here are a few tips to help get us back on the right track.

  1. Work it Out!  There’s nothing like a great work out to get us out of the funk.  Walk, run , lift weights…you’ve got to move it-move it!
  2. Be Proactive!  Start your day with positive routines that will help you get your pma (positive mental attitude) going.
  3. Make every day Thanksgiving! Throughout the day, think about all the good people and things that you have in it.  If you are not careful, gratitude will begin:)

Looking forward to improving our attitudes together this week.  Ready, set, time to grow!
