
How many of you can recall being told to focus? Me too. How many of you were shown how to actually focus? Exactly. Not many of us were formally shown how to focus our mind and body on what we are doing.

The martial arts is a wonderful tool to help a person improve their focus. The disciplined environment encourages individuals to be present minded with the task at hand.

Here’s a simple method that can help each of us improve our focus. Visualize a spot light on a stage beaming down on an object. The light is our focus and the object is our task. When you are doing a task this week, try visualizing the spot light on the task. When your focus is off the task, gently remind yourself to bring it back to the task.

Through consistent practice, you will find that your focus will improve. The benefits of your improved focus will feel fantastic too. Now it’s time to start making it happen. Ready, Set, Time to Go Get It!


Testing starts August 8th

Our next belt exam cycle starts August 8. That testing date will creep up on us, and I don’t want anyone to be scrambling at the last minute to be ready. Make the time to practice.  Remember that prior planning prevents poor performance. You’ve got this! Tang Soo!

test schedule


As a parent, we often times put our needs and wants on the back burner. Some of you are so busy that you don’t even know when you last showered. Just kidding. But seriously, I would like to encourage everyone to flip it around this week. Here’s what I mean.When we properly take care of ourselves, we can properly take care of others. When you fly, what do they instruct you to do first in an emergency? That’s right, put your oxygen mask on first. It’s not being selfish, it’s simply being smart.

Start with being kind to yourself with getting that needed rest, workout, etc. It will make it a lot easier to be kind to others when we are kind to ourselves. Give kindness a try. It’s free.



With the hardships and challenges of life, we can often times lose our way in the area of fun. When was the last time you laughed or played? Yes, we adults need to have fun too.
I’m not saying to quit your jobs and head to Vegas. Simply work on being more playful this week. What brings you joy? Perhaps it was something that you did as a kid. As a child, I enjoyed skateboarding. Since Christmas, I’ve been having fun working on improving my skateboard skills.
This week, get out there and discover or rediscover what is fun for you. Get out there and live the best life possible.

Fall ITF Master’s & Black Belt Seminar Recertification & Promotion Update

Fall All Masters and Black Belts Seminar and Examination (Woodlands, TX)
Friday, November 8
Location:           Ince Karate (8000 Research Forest Dr., STE 165, The Woodlands, TX 77382)
6-7:30pm           Judge/Referee Seminar – New Certification & Recertification (bring whistle, arm band and card)
7:30-8:30pm    School Administration & Operations Seminar

Saturday, November 9
Location:          Crossview Church (5148 FM 1388 Magnolia, TX 77354)
8:30am-12pm Masters Seminar (4th Dan & Up)
12:30pm            Masters Exam & Recertification

3-6pm                Black Belt Seminar (Cho Dan – Sam Dan)
6:30pm             Black Belt Exam, Recertification, Kyo Sa & Jr Kyo Sa Exam

You may register online using the ITF website or see Master DuFour for paperwork to send to the ITF Headquarters.  Deadline to register is November 1st.  Accommodations are available at Courtyard Houston, The Woodlands (1020 Lake Front Circle, The Woodlands, TX 77380, phone: 281-292-3262)



It’s funny that when you are a kid, you can’t wait to grow up and get on your own. As an adult, you would do anything to go back to be together again. Life goes on and we create our own families.Some families are together while others are split. No matter the current condition it is still a family. My encouragement for all of us this week is to be the best possible parent, husband, wife, son, daughter, etc. Strive to be be more patient, kind and loving in our household.

Let’s face it, we can’t go back. All we can do is make wonderful memories with our family now. Someday our children will yearn to return to their childhood too. They will realize it’s about making it better for their children.

This week, be present and make time to enjoy quality time with your family. Get out there and make a happy memory together.


This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Stress

One of the top things that destroy our overall health is stress. We all have stress in our life, but the question is how do we deal with it in a productive manner?  Some people internalize their stress, while others take it out on others around them. Here are a few tips to help you manage your stress.Is it really worth the fuss?

It’s easy for life to get us bogged down. Sometimes the most trivial things get under our skin. When you start to feel stressed, ask yourself if this will matter in a hundred years.Create an Outlet

Nothing feels better than a great workout. Try going for a walk, riding a bike, do martial arts, lift weights, yoga, swimming, etc. Find a positive activity that you can consistently do to manage your stress.Write it Down

When you start to feel overwhelmed, try writing down what things are needing to be done. Prioritize your list and start working on it. There’s something about seeing what’s stressing us, then doing something about it that feels great.I hope this helps you. Remember, don’t stress just give your best.


This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – TEST

How do you feel when you hear the word, TEST?  If you feel anxiety, you are not alone. Most people feel this with testing, and it obviously affects our performance. I would like to share a few tips about testing that can change this feeling of anxiety to excitement.The first thing about testing is to adjust your perception. It’s simply a challenge and challenges can make us better. Look at it as an opportunity to grow yourself. The next thing is prior planning prevents poor performance.  In other words, consistently practice and study. By consistently doing the work, you can walk into your exam with a sense of confidence.

My last testing tip is all about being present minded. It’s actually rather simple. Whatever you are doing make sure it’s your best. If you make a mistake, which you will, just let it go and focus on being your best at whatever you are doing.

With testing right around the corner, I want to encourage everyone to change your perception about testing, practice more and give your best in the moment. Every time we overcome these challenges, we become a stronger human being. You’ve got this!

I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it. -Art Williams

This Week’s WOW (Word of Week) – Fear

One of my biggest fears growing up was dogs. I love dogs now, but when I was knee high to a grasshopper, I would stay away from dogs like the plague.  My fear stemmed from a horrible experience at age 3. While petting a dog, I end up getting bit several times.  My fear kept me from enjoying the connection with these loyal animals. Finally, my parents helped me overcome my fear by getting me my own puppy. Now our family has enjoyed bonding with dogs and my fear is gone.

Do you have a fear that’s stopping you from enjoying life? A lot of times, fear stems from the unknown. Start learning about what you fear, become knowledgeable in that subject. You may not overcome it, but you can create respect and understanding.  If you overcome your fear, you will have a new sense of confidence. Don’t let life pass you by because of fear.



Spring ITF Black Belt Exam a Success!

April 13th – A BIG congratulations to all the International Tang Soo Do Federation students that attended the Spring Black Belt Examination in Pensacola, FL!  Everyone did a wonderful job and displayed good Tang Soo spirit.

A special thank you to Master Y.D. Kim (TX), Master Brown (GA), Master & Kyo Sa Nim Kennedy (LA), Master Joiner (AL), Master Adele Gibson (FL), Master Ince (TX), Kyo Sa Nim Dufour (FL), Kyo Sa Nim Vallad (MI), Kyo Sa Nim & Mrs. Mouallem (TX) for making the day run smoothly. The event was successful as a result of their professionalism, teamwork and dedication.  We couldn’t have done it without you.

An extra special thank you to Mr. Richardson and Marcus Pointe Baptist Church for allowing us to hold our event at their beautiful facility.   The Fall Black Belt Examination will be held in Texas.  Stay tuned for more details.

IMG_0323Group Picture (1st row – left to right) Master Ince (TX), Master Joiner (AL), Master Brown (GA), Master Y. D. Kim (TX), Master DuFour (FL), Master Kennedy (LA), Master Adele Gibson (FL)
(2nd row – left to right) Kyo Sa Nim Vallad (MI), Kyo Sa Nim Kennedy (LA), Master Richard Gibson (FL), Kyo Sa Nim Mouallem (TX), Kyo Sa Nim Nim Penson (TX), Kyo Sa Nim Harman (TX), Kyo Sa Nim DuFour (FL), Kyo Sa Nim Kiliszewski (TX)
