This Week’s WOW (Word of Week) – Diligence

When was the last time you heard someone use the word, diligence?  It’s been awhile for me too. However, we see evidence of it in our society on a weekly basis.

Diligence is that consistent effort required to successfully reach our goals.  Here are three quick tips to help us be more diligent in our daily lives.

  1. Stay on Course – Distractions will come.  Build self-discipline to stick to your plan. BTW – do you have a plan?
  2. Track Your Progress Nothing builds motivation more than when we are making progress towards our goal.
  3. Be Realistic – Being overly ambitious can lead us to disappointment which can lead us to not being diligent.    

Good luck this week in being more diligent.  Start small and take the necessary steps toward becoming more diligent in your daily journey!


Congratulations PTSDA Karate!

Our members did a wonderful job on their recent belt examination.  We are so proud of each of you.  Keep it up!  Our Belt Promotions will be held at the PTSDA Karate on Thursday, August 30th (during class time).  We look forward to sharing that special evening with each of you.


This Week’s WOW (word of the Week) – Flexibility

Having plants in the dojang is more than just for decoration.  To me it’s a symbol of growth and life.  The bamboo plants are one of my favorites.  They give a daily reminder to be strong but flexible.  With lots of change occurring this week, let’s strive to be flexible in our daily walk.  The flexibility allows us to have more peace of mind.  Peace of mind leads to growth and a happier life.


Congratulations PTSDA Karate!

July 26-29 – Our team went to Washington, D.C. for the ITF World Championship.  Everyone did an amazing job!  We participated in seminars (judges and rank req), awards banquet, competition, demonstrations and testing.  In addition, our team was heavily involved with setting up, conducting and closing down.  Needless to say, everyone is pretty pumped about the experience.

A special thank-you to Master Joiner, Kyo Sa Nim Duane, Kyo Sa Nim DuFour, Mr. Fowler, Bryson Harden-Cooke and all our parents for representing our dojang in such a positive way.  BTW – the next ITF World Championship is going to be in (drum roll please)…Orlando, FL at the  Renaissance Sea World Hotel on August 6-9, 2020.  Make plans now to be apart of the fun!



This Week’s WOW (Word of the Week) – Kindness

I believe we can all agree that we need more kindness in our world. Several years ago, a bumper sticker become rather popular for its message. It read Practice Random Acts of Kindness.
I feel like this is a great message for all of us. Let’s make it a daily goal to be kind to ourselves and others around us. Being kind without looking for anything in return brings a special peace and joy. Looking forward to promoting more kindness in this world. Don’t delay…start today!


Did You Know???

Testing is in only 24 days!  Be sure to be in class and practice at home to help prepare for a successful examination.  See our Upcoming Events page for specific date sand times for your rank. Tang Soo!

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This Week’s WOW (Word of Week) – Courage

Have you been in a situation lately that required you to use courage?  As a child, it seemed like it was a weekly deal.  The butterflies would stir in our stomachs as we tried to muster up the courage to jump off the diving board or ride our bike without training wheels.  After a lot of bumps and bruises, we finally reached success.

One of the many things that I love about the martial arts is that it constantly pushes us to have more courage.  The list is endless –  breaking boards, doing shoulder rolls, sparring, etc.  By humbling ourselves and quieting the negative voice in our head, we go for it.  Often times, we do fail but through consistent work we finally make it.  As we approach success, we realize that we are turning the once feared activity into one that is more enjoyable.  Confidence begins to replace the fear.

John Wayne once said, “Courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway.”  As challenges arise, rise up and face the challenge one step at a time.  You’ve got this!

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Just 5 Weeks Away!

Have you registered online for the ITF World Championship yet? Pre-registration pricing is only good thru July 19th.   We would love for you and your family to go with us to the ITF World Championship on July 26-28 in Washington, D.C. This is your chance to attend and train in seminars with Grandmaster C.S. Kim and Technical Advisory Members,  Enjoy competing with ITF students from around the globe.  Attend a special award’s banquet and don’t miss witnessing advanced Black Belt and Master’s Testing.

Of course, being in Washington allows for a great mini vacation to see historical sites in our nation’s capital.  Interested? Follow this link to get more information and to register online.
