
Doesn’t it feel great when you achieve balance? Perhaps, it’s just simply replacing wobbling with stability. Often times, it can be a simple adjustment to get us centered.

Here are my top 3 tips with balance

  1. Focus on one thing – focus your eyes on one point. Push away distractions and think about what you are doing. Focused mind = focused body.
  2. Stay Centered – our head is like a bowling ball. Tip it too far in any direction and falling in that direction is inevitable. Keep your head and spine aligned.
  3. Analyze – if you find yourself off balance on a consistent basis, take some time to think about it. Which direction am I falling? Why am I falling? Video tape yourself doing the skill. If all else fails, ask us for help:)

Balance is important in both Tang Soo Do and life. My encouragement for all of us this week is take steps toward more balance in our daily journey.

Training Tip – Practice

We all know that practice is essential to growth in Tang Soo Do. The challenge that most people face is getting started and staying on track.

Here are my top 5 tips regarding practice.

  1. Know Your Why – Having purpose to practice is important. What is yours?
  2. Make It a Habit – Not practicing can be a habit too. Start small (twice per week for 5 min) with this new positive habit.
  3. Be Specific – Be sure to be specific with what you want to improve during your practice time.
  4. Make it Fun – Try practicing in the water, beach or the backyard. Listen to some music. Create an atmosphere of focused fun for yourself.
  5. Track Your Progress – Develop a system to help you measure your practice. I personally use a spread sheet to help me keep on track.


Do you ever feel like you are not meeting your expectations? Is it possible to set high expectations without setting ourselves up for failure? With the right plan and mindset, I feel we can.

Here are my top 3 tips with expectations

  1. Be Clear – how can we hit the mark, when expectations are not clear? Be specific with all involved with what you envision to accomplish.
  2. Be Realistic – this is the one that can really knock us off the horse. When setting expectations, we need to be realistic. Be willing to modify expectations if they are not.
  3. Be Reasonable – if you’ve given 100% toward your expectation and didn’t make it, don’t beat yourself up. Analyze the why and realize there’s always tomorrow.

When dealing with expectations, remember to be clear, realistic and reasonable. When looking at our progress from high expectations, realize that you have improved yourself in many ways.


How many of you enjoy tests? I would venture to say that most people would rather jump out of a perfectly good airplane than take a test. Can we change this feeling of anxiety into a feeling of excitement?

Here are my top 5 tips to actually enjoy testing.

  1. Build Confidence NOT Fear – through consistent practice you will build confidence in your abilities. When you don’t practice, you feel a sense of fear and anxiety.
  2. Mindfulness in Moment – during your classes and test, simply give your best on whatever you are doing. Leave mistakes behind and the future where it’s at.
  3. Dress for Success – nothing feels better than when you spend time prepping your uniform and yourself.
  4. Don’t Cram – when students wait until the last minute to prepare for an exam, they are not enjoying life. Be consistent with your practice and class attendance. Do the work.
  5. Prep Like a Champ – eating, sleeping and training like a champ will help you feel confident and enjoy your exam like a champ.

As we close in on your next test, don’t sweat it. Do the work, get your mindset right and enjoy.


As a child, I loved the muppets character Animal. He was wild and played the drums with such vigor. Trying to follow in his foot steps, I begged my parents to play the drums.

They shattered my dreams by signing me up to learn the trumpet. Major bummer. I reluctantly played the trumpet and through time started to make progress.

The progress that I experienced was directly linked to my quality practice time. I’ll never forget the great feeling of starting to connect the dots.

In Tang Soo Do, you come to class and receive instruction. Most students will stop here. Take the next step and practice at home the lessons learned in the dojang. Motivation will naturally build as we progress ourselves forward.

In closing, don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong. Best wishes in improving yourself through quality practice.

Don’t Miss the Bus!

Since last week, our superintendent has given us a clearer picture of what this school year looks like. We are adapting our program to keep it safe as possible and to continue to provide options for our community.

There will be some changes due to modifications from the pandemic.

  • Before and After for Beulah & Kingsfield Elementary and Beulah Middle.
  • We are discontinuing pick up from Pine Meadow, Jim Allen and Ransom Middle School.
  • Remote Learning Day Camp Option is available (limited space).

Registration is open and available now. Follow this link to secure your child’s spot in our program. Don’t miss the bus! Register Today!

Don't miss the bus!

TESTING…What’s That Again?

DID YOU KNOW that belt testing is going to be at the end of this month?

We will conduct Pre-Tests the week of July 20-23. A student must qualify during a Pre-Test in order to test for their next rank. Qualifying will occur when a student demonstrates knowledge of their skills (ie. Basics, Forms, One-Steps and Self Defense) along with effort and good attitude.

Once qualifying, students will have an opportunity to test the week of July 27-30 (during class time). Due to our structure, we will plan on using both days to test our students. Summer Camp children will do their test during their class times.

Don’t sweat the upcoming test. Be in class and be sure to practice outside of class. You Can Do It!

Team Family

Having a healthy family is not an easy task. By including our family in the goal of healthy living, we can turn it into a teamwork setting.

Chow Time

  • Include kids on planning healthy meals for the week.
  • Encourage chewing food slower to enjoy.
  • Turn Off distractions (TV, Phone, etc) while you eat.
  • Choose healthier foods

Active Together

  • Go for a daily bike ride or walk.
  • Play a game of catch together.
  • Tag-you’re it!
  • Do household chores together and show them how you can make it fun.

Being healthier is a great goal for all of us. Including our family on this goal is even better. As Walt Disney said, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”


Have you ever been in a point in your life and felt like a ship without a rudder? Continuously spinning in circles?

Finding a clear course in life is important for all of us. However, finding it is not an easy task.

  1. What is your passion? Discover what you enjoy and pursue it. Life is too short to live in regret.
  2. Willing to Fail? When chasing your dreams, you will hit brick walls and find yourself on your back from the fall. Be willing to fall, learn from it and get back up.
  3. Give It Away Now Whether you find your purpose now or later, simply give to others. Interesting enough, whatever we usually give tends to be tied to our purpose.

C. S. Lewis nailed it when he said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” It’s time to get out and live with purpose

Training Tip – Isolate

Have you ever felt a lack of confidence in your training? Maybe it’s a section of a form or perhaps executing a specific technique. We’ve all experienced this feeling.

Your training tip for the week is a great solution for this problem. With commitment and patience you will start to see positive results. I like to refer to it as Isolation Training. Here’s how it works…

1. Get Specific – clearly identify the area of your training that you desire to improve.

2. Wax On Wax Off – practice just that area slowly and repeatedly.

3. Patience Grasshopper – dig in and think about what you are doing and why you are having trouble with that area.

4. Don’t Give Up – by consistently working on the isolated area, you will start to see positive results. You have to keep working at it to receive the reward of improvement.

With consistent practice, you will start to turn an area of your training from a negative to a positive. Isolate it, practice it over and over, put thought into it and break through.

Improvement is waiting, just go get it! Tang Soo!